Japanese Fried Chicken 鶏のから揚げ

Japanese version of fried chicken called Tori no Karaage can be 
accepted anywhere I think. When my partner came to Japan, 
he tried tasting and loved it very much 
so I promised him to give the recipe and here it is. 
We usually use potato starch for a crispy batter in Japan, 
but corn starch can also be used as a substitute if it is not available. 
The texture will be different but preference varies 
depending on person. 
You may use a plastic bag instead of a bowl 
if making it in small quantities. 
It makes cooking easier and reduces your washing up.    

Servings for 2 
- Boneless skin-on chicken thighs: 300 – 350g
- Crashed Garlic: 1 clove
- Crashed Japanese leek: 1 (only green portion)
- Potato Starch (Corn Starch): 2 tablespoons
- Oil for deep flying: 180 degree

Seasoning sauce (Marinade Ingredients)

- Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon
- Sake (Rice wine): 1/2 tablespoon
- Salt: 1/3 teaspoon
- Mirin (Sweet rice wince): 1/2 tablespoon 
(- Suger: 1/2 teaspoon (if you have no Mirin)
- Grated ginger: 1/2 table spoon

1. Remove the innards and fat from the chicken and 

    cut it into 1-inch cubes.

2. Put the chicken cubes, crashed garlic and green leek in a bowl 

    with the seasoning sauce to whisk to combine. 
    (Green leek helps remove the smell from the chicken.)
    Cover the bowl with cling film and marinate them in the fridge 
    for at least 3-4 hours. 
    (I found that leaving longer testes better from my experience). 

3. Remove the garlic and leek from the bowl and 

    put potato (corn) starch, and toss to coat each cube evenly.

4. Add 1 inch of vegetable oil to a pan and 

    heat until the oil reaches 180 degrees.

5. Place the chicken cube one by one into the oil and fry 

    until the chicken is cooked through and crispy.

Japanese Fried Chicken



- 鶏のもも肉: 300 – 350g
- にんにく(潰す): 1かけ
- 長ネギの青い部分(潰す): 1本
- 片栗粉(コーンスターチ):大さじ2
- 揚げ油(180度)


- 醤油: 大さじ1
- 酒: 大さじ1/2
- 塩:小さじ1/3
- みりん: 大さじ1/2 (みりんがない場合は砂糖小さじ1/2)
- 生姜(すりおろし): 大さじ1/2

1. 鶏肉の余分な脂を切り落としきれいにし、1口大の大きさに切る。

2. 1 口大に切った鶏肉と潰したにんにく1かけとネギ(肉の臭みを取る)


3. ボールからにんにくとネギを取り除き、片栗粉(コーンスターチ)を入れる。


4. フライパンに油を2センチ程入れ、油の温度が180度になるまで温める。

5. 鶏肉を1つずつ油の中に入れ、鶏肉に火がよく通りカリッとなるまで揚げる。